Accessibility statement
I am committed to making the information and resources that this site provides via the web accessible to all users. I aim to be standards compliant and follow general principles of usability and universal design, which should help all visitors to this website.
I am committed to continual improvement of this sites web accessibility. If you have any difficulty accessing this site and require further help, or if you have any suggestions to help improve our accessibility, please use contact us.
Accessing this website
I am passionate about the accessibility of this website. It has been designed with a number of accessibility features.
In the right hand column you will see icons that will discuss my work in differnt mediums; audio, video and video that has no sound but features British Sign Language (BSL). These icons will appear only when these features are available on the page you are on.
Clicking this icon will play an audio clip.
Clicking this icon will play an video clip.
Clicking this icon will play an BSL video clip.
Clicking on these links will open the media file in a new pop-up window and they will automatically start playing.
All video clips are saved in the Quicktime format. You will need the FREE Quicktime 7 plug-in or later to view them.
To access the panoramic images you will need the free_Flash_player. If this is not already installed on your machine, i.e. you cannot see the scrolling panoramic images, it can be downloaded here.
Access key details
- Home page is access key 1
- News page is access key 2
- Biog page is access key 3
- Studio page is access key 4
- Projects page is access key 5
- Art education page is access key 6
- Talks page is access key 7
- Consultancy page is access key 8
- Links page is access key 9
- Contact page is access key 0
Alternative text
Images on our website have alternative text attributes, often known as alt text. This means that when an image is used on a web page to convey information its content is also described in the alt text. This means that the image can be understood by text browsers and assistive technologies such as screen readers. If an image is used for simply decorative purposes, the text attribute for the image is left empty in line with accepted best practice.
Readable and resizable fonts and layout
The website uses font sizes that you can control using your web browser.
You can change the text size in Microsoft Internet Explorer by selecting View > Text size followed by your preferred text size from 'Smallest' to 'Largest'. The default setting is 'Medium'.
You can change the text size in Mozilla Firefox by selecting View > Text size followed by 'Increase' or 'Decrease'. To return the text size to its default setting, select 'Normal'.
The website's fonts have been chosen for their legibility on computer screens. The website's layout has been designed to stretch to fill the width of the browser, so that you can resize the browser to suit your own viewing preferences.
Help us to help you
This website is intended to meet at least level 2 (AA) of the W3C's Website Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Guidelines, and as far as possible to meet level 3 (AAA). For more information about the WAI Guidelines see: W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Inevitably, we won't always get it right, but we are committed to addressing any access issues promptly. And that's where we'd like your help. If you experience any difficulties in accessing our website, or have trouble using any aspect of the website, we'd like you to let us know. contact us and let us know your experience.