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Still Lights Greys

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Still Lights Greys

Unlike the first image, which had a rather crisp, simple outline, like a Japanese print, this image is completely out of focus and blurred.

The feel of the picture is predominantly that of soft greys. A horizontal shelf can be detected running across the bottom third of the picture, with a small slat of light showing beneath. The shelf is the darkest tone in the picture, a soft, dark brownish, purpley grey, and sitting on top of the shelf against the light are four shapes, sitting at more or less equal intervals across the picture. They can just be deciphered as bottles, but they are almost disappearing in the grey grainy gloom. The bottles are different sizes and from left to right are: a grey-green, a magenta-grey, a grey mauve bulbous bottle, which is almost indistinguishable, and a tiny grey brown blob, which is almost invisible at the end. The blind this time, in front of the bottles on the shelf, has almost obscured the definition of the objects, removing any outlines, and bleaching any bright colours. The effect is of a grey snow-like texture muffling any light and draining everything of colour. While I found living through the same thing happening to my sight both terrifying and disturbing, I also found these knocked-back colours and the fogginess around everything very beautiful. Though probably technically, the "poorest quality photograph" in the series, this image was perhaps the one, I felt the nearest to my own experience.

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