Brisons Veor, Cape Cornwall, Artists' Residency June/July 2009
This residency was a collaborative project with poet, Evlynn Sharp. Entitled Edges and Extremities, it was the first part of a series exploring extreme landscapes where the land meets the sea.

Gathering Storm, Cape Cornwall, ink on paper, July 2009
Brisons Veor is the very last house on the edge of Cape Cornwall in the far West, facing out to the Atlantic, with Longships lighthouse and Land's End in view. Formerly used for the tin-mining industry, this granite building takes its name from the famous treacherous rocks, the Brisons, also known as "The Sisters", which it overlooks.
We used this location as a base to undertake research and make work together inspired by the immediate area, focusing on the industrial history and its relationship with the blustery, weather worn landscapes and seascapes between Cape Cornwall, St Just and Pendeen. The location was dramatic and ever changing, with fast moving weather fronts and a sense of being on the very edge of the land.

Red Chimney in Sea Mist, Gouache and crayon, July 2009
For me this was a return to a much trodden and much loved landscape. I had scrambled over that area of coastline over many years and remembered the rich red oxide of Geevor as it spilt into the sea when it was still the last working tin mine. The chimney stacks and remains of engine houses that I had drawn years ago were still there.

Thunderstorm, The Brisons, Cape Cornwall, ink on paper, July 2009
Our research included meetings with local people, including former tin miners, a poet, local historian and former town councillor whose family could be traced back many generations, and with staff at Geevor tin mine museum. We made paintings and poems on location in all weathers along the extensive "Tinners' paths" in and around St Just.
Work on material from this project and the next stage continues. This includes working from the landscape of remote Shetland/Orkney, an exhibition/performance of our work, and a return to North Cornwall to explore further the less documented lives of the women of the tin mining industry.
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To find out more about my participatory projects and workshops. To discuss running workshops or residencies contact me.