News from 2010
Forthcoming / Recent events
Finalist for UJADF Award 2010
(UK/Japan Art, Design, Film Award)
I have been selected for this award and exhibition with one of my Japanese concertina sketchbooks. See some of my works from Japan here
Exhibition dates 25th October -30th October
ROA Gallery, Royal Opera Arcade, 4b Pall Mall, London SW1Y 4UY
Workshops at Wallace Collection
31st October 2010, 1.30-3.30pm
Co-facilitator of Halloween arts workshop for visually impaired children and their families using items from the collection. This follows a recent collaboration and workshop at Hove Museum undertaken with Shelley Boden. See workshops for more information about previous projects.
Talk at Victoria and Albert Museum, London
13th October 2010
I have been invited to be a speaker on creative approaches to access at the "In Touch with Art" International Conference. The conference offers international perspectives to equal access to museums, galleries and other cultural venues for visually impaired people.
Seminars in Wales
Cardiff and National Libraries of Wales, Aberystwyth 22nd/23rd September
I was a speaker at Digital Inclusion seminars with Marcus Weisen, Director Jodi Awards and Chris Power, from the University of York. The seminars were aimed at museums, libraries and archives professionals who are seeking to make their collections and services more accessible to visually impaired users. See talks for more information about previous events.
The Dada Exchange programme, in which I have participated as artist advisor for deaf and disabled artists, is now being completed. See an interview with Colin Hambrook about my art practice and my involvement in the project.
Open Studio events
2nd/3rd October, Hurlingham Yacht Club, Putney
Part of Wandsworth Open House 25th/26th September, Open Studio, Cannizaro Park
I exhibited recent drawings, paintings and works on wood from my residency in Hastings. If you missed these events and would like to arrange a studio visit, contact me.
Creative Landscapes
To see miniature drawing tent pictures of the Stade Education film screening event and my drawing tent.
Revealed: Hastings and St Leonards
A Creative Landscapes Residency; Summer 2010
I was one of two artists selected to undertake this residency, which was an English Heritage-Accentuate project exploring accessible approaches to Heritage.

Nets and Rain (Lobster pots, Hastings)
Permanent coloured pens and watercolour on canvas
The back of the beach was where the fisherman kept all their fishing tackle, cuttlefish traps, broken nets and lobster pots all in a big heap.
H 30cm x W 80cn x D 2cm Aug 2010
The residency concluded with exhibitions of our work and we lead a number of events as part of Heritage Open Days weekend.

Stade Netshops and Fish 'n Chips
Indian ink, pen and watercolour on raw balsa wood
3 panoramic drawings made on site. Two pictures show the tops of the net shops with big cloudy skies, and the third a view of the Stade from a fish and chip café, with bottles of tomato ketchup on the table.
Each image H 10cm x W 92 cm x D 0.5-1cm Aug 2010
Photographer, Lynn Weddle and I each facilitated workshops and events in Hastings and made our own work inspired by the hidden histories and the landscape in and around the Stade.

Drawing tent at Hastings
I made a series of drawings on the spot in and around the Stade, using local fisherman, Mick Barrow's net shop as a base. This is perhaps the most unusual "studio" I have ever had. No heat or light, and huddled under a huge tangle of nets and fishing tackle, but right on the doorstep to watch the comings and goings and everyday life on the Stade.
Mick at net shop door
Based on the theme of "Revealed: Hastings and St Leonards", I made work showing glimpses of the sometimes hidden everyday life in and around the Old Town, with the net shops and constantly changing weather as a backdrop to my images.
Net shop drawing tent
Images included the inside of a net shop, with its tangle of nets like a huge wasps nest, the back of the Fish Market, and partial views of the rooftops of the Stade from a Fish and Chip café or against a moody sky.

Inside Mick's Netshop - A Tangle of Nets
Ink and coloured pens on paper with watercolour
Sketchbook drawing made from inside Mick's netshop. I sat huddled underneath a bundle of nets in his hut to do my drawings of the Stade.
H 30cm x W 37cm Aug 2010
Creative Landscapes is an English Heritage project exploring accessible approaches to heritage. It is part of Accentuate, a transformational programme of 15 projects, inspired by the Paralympic Movement, which seeks to change perceptions and offer opportunities to showcase the talents of deaf and disabled people.
Residency Commission for Graeae
In celebration of its recent move to purpose built premises The Bradbury Studios, 138 Kingsland Rd in Shoreditch, Graeae has invited me to undertake a residency commission inspired by the building itself and the process of creative activity that takes place in and around the company.

ink on paper
The project will take place between June and October 2010. I will spend time at Graeae during rehearsals for productions, and make drawings in and around the building. A selection of the drawings made will be chosen by Graeae for permanent display at the conclusion of the residency.

ink on paper
Above are two ink drawings from my sketchbook made while attending rehearsals for "Against the Tide". They show the movement of actors suspended in the air on sway poles.
You need the Flash Player to see this player.
Click in centre of above black box to see Graeae slideshow of ink drawings from my sketchbook made while attending rehearsals for "Against the Tide" (1.13min, no sound).
More information on Graeae
My balsawood panoramas have been selected for inclusion in this year's FRINGEMK catalogue.
Images of the works selected for the catalogue will be placed on their facebook page shortly.
More information:
Wandsworth Heritage Postcard project
I took part in this project by facilitating art work with Year 3 pupils at Westbridge Primary school. The children illustrated Wandsworth based stories including the Duke of Wellington having a duel in the asparagus fields, spies at Clapham Junction, Queen Elizabeth the first getting her feet wet in the river Wandle, and hot air balloons crash landing in Southfields. The children designed a series of postcards and their own stamps.
The Wandsworth heritage postcards project site is live and functional at:
Barbican Centre Live Guide training
At the invitation of Barbican Centre, I have devised and delivered training for gallery staff and hosts towards developing and launching a live guide service for visually impaired visitors to the gallery exhibitions.
This includes one to one assistance around the gallery as required, an overview of the exhibition, description of selected works and, for some exhibitions, handling artworks or interpretative material. The aim is that visits can be tailored to visitors' own interests and access requirements. For more information or to book please contact or call 020 7382 2382.
Have a look at previous years news from 2012 2011, 2010, 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007.